2024 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference

The International Thanksgiving Blending Conference will be held in Atlanta next week, from 28 November to 1 December. The church in London will replay the meetings on Zoom for the churches in our time zone from Friday, 29 November to Monday, 2 December, so we can all watch the messages together and enjoy blended prophesying times afterwards; see the schedule below. We invite all the saints to join – no registration is required.

Please update your Zoom application before you join the meeting. A tutorial can be found at this link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Upgrade-update-to-the-latest-version.


Outlines are available for downloading and printing on the LSM conference website (conf.lsmwebcast.com). The Outline link should be on the menu at the top of the page (you may need to select your nearest city first). 


The schedule for the 2024 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference messages will be as follows (all times in GMT):

Outlines are available for downloading and printing through the links in the table below:

Message 1:19:30Friday, 29 November
Message 2:10:00Saturday, 30 November
Message 3:19:30Saturday, 30 November
Message 4:10:00Lord’s Day, 1 December
Message 5:19:30Lord’s Day, 1 December
Message 6:19:30Monday, 2 December

Lord’s Table Your Hall/District will schedule the Lord’s Table meeting – check with the brothers. 

If you are unable to join in person, you can remain online for the Lord’s Table after Message 4.

Breakout Rooms

As time allows, you will be put into a breakout room for prophesying after the message.  Each breakout room will blend together 75-100 saints – we encourage all the saints to limit their sharing so that many saints could have the opportunity to prophesy during this time of blending.