2023 International Chinese-Speaking Blending Conference

LSM held this ministry conference on the weekend of 17 – 19 February in Anaheim. As this is one of our seven annual feasts, the church in London is streaming the messages, in English, over the weekend of 10-12 March (see schedule below). We encourage all the saints to join (no registration is required).

Please update your zoom application before you join the meeting, a tutorial can be found on this link https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Upgrade-update-to-the-latest-version.

Schedule & Outlines

The schedule for the 2023 International Chinese-Speaking Blending Conference messages will be as follows (all times in GMT):

Outlines are available for downloading and printing through the links in the table below:

Message 1:Eng 中文19:30Friday, 10 March
Message 2:Eng 中文09:00Saturday, 11 March
Message 3:Eng 中文11:00Saturday, 11 March
Message 4:Eng 中文19:30Saturday, 11 March
Message 5:Eng 中文19:30Lord’s Day, 12 March

Breakout Rooms

As time allows, you will be put into a breakout room for prophesying after the message.  Each breakout room will blend together 75-100 saints – we encourage all the saints to limit their sharing so that many saints could have the opportunity to prophesy during this time of blending.

Reference Books

  1. The Prophecy of the Four “Sevens” 
  2. The Way to Practice the Lord’s Present Move—chapters 7 through 10 
  3. Speaking Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ 
  4. The Up-to-Date Presentation of the God-ordained Way and the Signs concerning the Coming of Christ 
  5. A Timely Trumpeting and the Present Need  
  6. Supplement—Concerning Our Victory in Christ—see New Believers’ Series (21)—Withstanding the Devil—booklet by W. Nee 
  7. Truth Lessons, Levels 2, 3 & 4

All these books can be ordered from Amana Trust https://amanatrust.org.uk/page/books